A walk in the lands of the Carraresi
In addition to the artistic and landscape beauties at Padua are also included those centers of agrofood production and artisan development. They are linked to the theme of physical wellness and culture, through authenticity and tradition of the area. This is a rich land, unfortunately for a long time obscured by the shadow of Padua and the nearby Euganean Hills, that encloses however a thousand-year of history, binding also to the Da Carrara season. Under this dynasty, in fact, the territory reached the maximum territorial expansion and their court recalled the most important artists of the time, transforming it into one of the intellectual and political capitals of the time. A past widespread and traceable like a museum preserved by history, even in the many products that the area offers. Therefore this publication should also be read in terms of emotional and dynamic "shopping" opportunities. Here you find the roadmap and to the presentation boards of historical, architectural and landscape sites of interest, as well as local retailers pleased to introduce their quality products. Have a good trip!